Stacey Barker


Stacey, has been working at Foxen just a few short years and is expanding her capability each day, proving herself at every opportunity. Apprentice life is notoriosly challenging, but try as we might, we’ve not been able to wipe the smile off of Stacey’s face or shake the determination from her heart - It’s clear that she’s here to stay.

So far, she’s shown a particular flair for pop-culture bangers and is quickly mastering some tricky shading techniques to enhance her black and grey work.

A tattoo session with Stacey is a casual and friendly experience. She is bright, considerate and will make sure you feel right at home in her care.

In her spare time Stacey dedicates herself to her family and pets and is always giving us the hot tip on where to go for the best food. She enjoys a huge pile of hobbies, not limited to baking, drums, D&D, and screen-printing.

Stacey is an easy-going, easy to love, gem-of-a-human and she’d love to talk shop with you and get into your next tattoo idea.